Andy Crossey, the vice president and head of HR consulting at Capgemini Consulting recently claimed that ‘talent management programmes play a key role in employee engagement’. So far so good, however he then went on to say that there should be ‘a really rigorous recruitment selection process to get on the programme’ because it ‘gives people a better feeling about an organisation’.
It seems that Mr Crossey is in the camp where talent management programmes only focus on an elite sub group of employees in an organisation where the aim is simply to grow future senior managers and develop potential leaders.
Rather than engage the workforce though, such an exclusive strategy is in danger of alienating the vast number of employees, inducing their resentment and dissatisfaction, making them feel that they don’t have a future in the organisation, and driving a wedge between them and those deemed ‘talented’.
A talent management programme that truly engages should instead take a more inclusive whole workforce approach, remembering that talent doesn’t just reside in the select few, but is defined by the CIPD as a ‘complex amalgam of employees’ skills, knowledge, cognitive ability and potential’. The programme should fit with the strategies, policies and practices for attracting, developing and retaining all the people who are vital to the businesses’ needs (now try telling me that a shop’s cleaner isn’t vital to the shopper’s experience). And it should take in to account that proven strategies for creating and sustaining employee engagement include:
– giving all employees the opportunity to do what they do best
– showing them you care about them
– discussing their progress
– encouraging their development
– giving them opportunities to learn and grow
– and enabling them to feel that what they do is important
If you need help understanding or devising a programme that encourages employee engagement please email